Service Catalogue
1 Standard tests in the laboratory
1.1 General Soil Parameters
- Determination and assessment of disturbed soil samples
- Determination of grain size distribution according to DIN 18123 (wet sieving, dry sieving, slurry analysis)
- Determination of the water content according to DIN 18121-1
- Determination of the condition limits according to DIN 18122 (yield point, roll-out limit, shrinkage limit)
- Determination of grain density using a capillary pycnometer in accordance with DIN 18124
- Determination of the density of moist soil in accordance with DIN 18125
- Determination of lime content according to DIN 18129
- Determination of the density of non-cohesive soils with the loosest and densest storage in accordance with DIN 18126
- Determination of the loss on ignition according to DIN 18128
- Determination of the permeability of cohesive and non-cohesive soils according to DIN 18130-1
- Determination of the water absorption capacity Enslin-Neff test according to DIN 18132
- Determination of the CBR value (California bearing ration) in accordance with DIN EN 13286-47
- Determination of the coefficient of abrasiveness and grindability according to NF P18-579
- Determination of the modulus of elasticity and damping behaviour of soils using the resonant column method in accordance with ASTM D 4015
- Bulk cone test to estimate the critical friction angle
1.2 Determination of Compressibility
- Compression test according to DIN 18135
1.3 Determination of Shear Strength
- Uniaxial compression test according to DIN 18136 to determine the undrained shear strength
- Laboratory vane shear test based on DIN 4094-4 to determine the undrained strength of cohesive soil samples
- Direct shear test for non-cohesive soils with constant feed rate according to DIN 18137-3
- Direct shear test for disturbed and undisturbed cohesive soils with constant feed rate according to DIN 18137-3
- Triaxial compression test for non-cohesive soils with constant feed rate according to DIN 18137-2
- Three-axial compression test for undisturbed cohesive soils with constant feed rate (CD, CU or UU test) according to DIN 18137-2
1.4 Determination of Proctor Density
- Proctor density (single or modified) in a test cylinder with a diameter of 100, 150 or 250 mm and optimum water content according to DIN 18127 for non-cohesive material
- Proctor density (single or modified) in a test cylinder with a diameter of 100, 150 or 250 mm and optimum water content according to DIN 18127 for cohesive material
2 Cyclic Laboratory Tests
- Cyclic compression tests
- Cyclic frame shear tests
- Cyclic triaxial tests
3 Field Investigations
- Taking undisturbed samples from the in-situ soil from trenches with sampling cylinders
- Extraction and evaluation of disturbed samples from excavation pits
- Probing with the light or heavy pile driving probe according to DIN EN ISO 22476-2
- Probing with the slit probe
- Determination of the density of the soil according to DIN 18125-2 using the sand replacement or balloon method
- Assessment of the deformability and load-bearing capacity of the soil using a plate load test according to DIN 18134
- Dynamic plate load test according to TP BF-StB Part 8.3
- Installation and application of in-situ measurement methods (e.g. inclinometer measurements according to DIN 4017-3)
- Determination of the CBR value (California bearing ratio) according to DIN EN 13286-47
- Other field tests such as hand drilling and vane soundings according to DIN 4094-4
4 Friction Tests and Compression Tests with Geosynthetics and Earth Materials
4.1 Friction Tests between different Geosynthetics and between Earth Materials and Geosynthetics according to GDA E3-8
- Friction test between geosynthetic and geosynthetic, non-cohesive soil and geosynthetic, cohesive soil and geotextile in a frame shear tester with a 30 cm x 30 cm test area
- Friction test between cohesive soil and geomembrane in a frame shear tester with 30 cm x 30 cm or 10 cm x 10 cm test area including pre-consolidation
4.2 Direct Shear Tests with a 30 cm x 30 cm Test Area
- Direct shear test according to DIN 18137-3 for mixed-grained, cohesive soil (maximum grain size 32 mm) including pre-consolidation
- Direct shear test according to DIN 18137-3 for coarse-grained, non-cohesive soil (maximum grain size 32 mm)
4.3 Pressure Tests to Verify the Effectiveness of Protective Coatings
- Protective effectiveness test according to GDA E 3-9 with elastomer backing at room temperature with approx. 10 h, 100 h or 1000 h test duration
- Pressure test according to GDA with floor support layer
Note on the services listed
Information on the prices of the services offered is only provided on request.
Contact Person
Maria Müller-Frick, B.Sc.
Research Staff
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover
Maria Müller-Frick, B.Sc.
Research Staff