
Journale und Tagungsbände

  • Cao, S., Achmus, M. (2023): “Bearing behaviour of shallow foundations for wind energy converters under cyclic eccentric loads”Int. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 17(1), pp. 26–39.
  • Cao, S., Abdel‐Rahman, K., Achmus, M. (2023): "A new method for the analysis of foundation behavior in sand under drained high‐cycle loading"International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 47 (10), 2023, pp. 1876–1893.
  • Cao, S., Achmus, M. (2023): "Numerical evaluation of empirical equations for the prediction of building vibrations due to vibratory rollers"Eurodyn 2023, Delft, 2-5 June.
  • Cao, S., Achmus, M., Abdel-Rahman, K. (2020): "Numerical Investigation of the Behaviour of Gravity Base Foundations under Cyclic Loading"The 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Shanghai China.
  • Cao, S., Abdel-Rahman, K., tom Wörden F., Achmus, M. (2020): "Investigation of the Equivalent Rocking Stiffness for Pile Raft Foundation Systems of Wind Turbines"The 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Shanghai China.